Friday, August 30, 2013

My Second Trimester

The best part of the whole pregnancy is the second trimester, well at least for me it was...I was feelng really energetic and happy all the time! My belly started to show (just a little bit) and I felt my baby move for the first time.
It was wednesday january, 30 of this year when I felt her move and that made the whole thing so real; I mean, at the first trimester you see the positive pregnancy test, the ultrasounds and feel sick but somehow that's nothing compared with that new sensation of having a life inside of you.
This 3 months I tried to enjoy the blessing of being a pregnant lady, like eating whatever I want (with moderation of course), taking naps, parking in the pregnancy spots or just doing nothing at all...heaven! I spent my days most of the time in pijamas watching movies with my hubby or in the mall with my mom.
At this point I realized that The secret of a happy pregnancy is behind of all those cliches that mom and grandma used to say!


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