Thursday, August 22, 2013

My First Trimester

You know how everybody says that pregnancy is amazing and you get a magical glow with it? Well, I call it bullshit! Don't get me wrong at some point all the problems goes away and maybe you can feel that glow flow. Thank God I never experienced morning sickness but my stomach was killing me...literally. A couple of times I rushed into the emergency room because I couldn't deal with the pain; The thing is that I always suffered from gastrointestinal problems and with the pregnancy they became worst. 
The first month: Actually you don't feel anything until you miss your period, it can be right away or it can start one week before/later; Thats because a pregnancy calendar starts at the first day of your last period (in my case was September 29, 2012).  
The second month: Because I decide to wait until I passed the 12 weeks mark* (except for my husband and my ob, of course) to tell everyone I was suffering in silence. My mom insisted that I was dying or something and I didn't want to tell her LOL She almost made me go to a specialist in the other side of the contry but I kept delying the trip. 
Another thing that made this month the worst month of my pregnancy was that my husband's boss decided to change him to another work place and since then he has to travel back and forth every two days (sad face). 
The third month: At the beggining of the third month I was still feeling like crap and I wanted to died (seriously, I was feeling that bad) The feeling of having an stomach infection 24/7 is all I can compare with the crazyness of the first trimester.
There's a lot of things that people don't tell you about pregnancy and its sympthoms, most women think that dizzyness and vomiting are the worst of them (or at least I think so) but we couldn't be more wrong! Trust me there's a lot of other things that you can hate having for months, but we'll talk about later in other post. 
In conclusion, Everything during the first trimester sucks!


*(12 weeks is the recomended time to make sure the embrio is well implanted)  

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