Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mon Petit Chat

ALINA CANTERO - July 3, 2013

My inspiration, my life, my everything.
Welcome to -Mon Petit Chat- a cute little blog dedicated to all mommies and babies in the world.
May my experience help you in some way....Shall we begin?


November 2, 2013 I found that i'm pregnant! 

That day was a typical day, I woke up early and because I had to do a lot of errands I didn't even had time to have some breakfast. Everything was doing perfectly fine, until I arrived to the bank; I was waiting on the line in order to pay some bills and suddenly I felt really really bad, my head was spinning, my mouth was dry and my blood pressure dropped so fast that I had to leave the bank right away; that gave me a hint but because I didn't have breakfast I wasn't really sure and I assumed I was just starving. As the day passed my head erased completely the incident. 
Later the same day, I was working in my computer waiting for my husband to come home from work and suddenly I felt asleep with my computer still on my lap; I woke up 2 hours later in a pond of spittle and sweat (LOL) and that's when I knew I was pregnant! As soon as possible I ran to the drug store and bought the first pregnancy test that I saw and I was right...IT WAS POSITIVE! 
It definitely wasn't husband and I only had 3 months of marriage (but 6 years of relationship) and we thought It'll take longer to us to get pregnant and we couldn't be more wrong LOL
Even though we were really happy and excited about what was going to come...


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