Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Delivery Recovery (My near death story)

Theres one thing I haven't told anyone yet (besides my family and a couple of close friends) let's just say that I experience the most weird & frightening event in my life after I gave birth to Alina.
The epidural was fading away and I was eating well; Everything seemed to be ok when a nurse came to the room and told me that I was allowed to take a shower if I wanted to and so I did, but not after I took a peek of my little angel sleeping. My mom took a few pictures of us while I was standing, I was a little bit sore and dizzy but nothing that I couldn't handle so I thought it was ok. I hurry to the shower because I was getting exhausted and my husband helped me, I couldn't sat down because I was half naked and the bathroom seemed dirty (to me). We were trying to get the hot water to come down but nothing happened, we were there like 5 minutes only buy I was getting tired and tired, so my husband went to get a nurse to help us with it, so he left me there standing, I never told him I was feeling dizzy and exhausted.
I was waiting there by myself when I suddenly felt a warm feeling inside of me and I couldn't breath well, I was about to sit down when this urge to lay down came to me, I was about to faint!  I screamed for help and the last thing I remember it was my mom coming to the bathroom. I couldn't do anything, it was really scary and even when I remember the sensation of vulnerability I kind of freak out. I have fainted before (when I was 15) but this was different in a really horrible way.
My mom and husband said to me that my eyes rolled out and my mouth was purpple and it was really scary, they thought I was dead (My hearthbeat was barely there) On the other side I wasn't aware of anything, I actually was having a "blast" there, I was relaxed and warm; A soft light was caressing my face. For a minute I was in heaven; Until I remembered that that kind of feeling wasn't normal to me (such an emo LOL) So I reacted to the reality and came back; Slowly I started to hear everyone talk.
I was in my trolley and I could see everyone above me but I couldn't move or talk, I wanted to tell so bad that I was ok but I couldn't, until my mouth open and a simple (and stupid) "hello" came out.
After I saw everyone worried and crying (for some reason) I felt guilty, I didn't want to make them feel that way.
This may sound like a lot of drama or you may have a worst story but this is the most scary thing that ever happened to me and the reason I didn't told you before, is that scares me to think that that day I could have gone and left my baby without a mom.

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