Thursday, August 28, 2014

Expect the unexpected

At the last month of the pregnancy you probably (must) have everything ready for the baby and probably you may think that you're totally prepared to have this baby in your life (I've been there) but before you start thinking that you're going to be this wonder women mommy, let's just say that you have to expect the unexpected.
As my personal experience having a baby in my life has been really hard and must of the time I'm struggling with my mental health; I know it may sound like I'm overeacting but for those who are in the same place like me may relate. I'm not saying that being a mom is the worst thing in the world, is just that is a HARD life to live.
Puting aside the typical topics talked in the mom's circle (the lack of sleep, the lack of sex, the body changes and what not) there's more things hiding in the back of our fake smiles at the family reunions, parties and coffee with old friends. So let's talk about it:
-At first everything changes so quick, as much that when you're starting to get used to some kind of schedule the baby grows another month and everything starts all over again. AKA dark circles and zombie walk forever.
-You're going to change and I'm not talking about the things you do I'm talking about your own essence.
-Wheter you like it or not you're going to do things that were not in your whish list.
-Your house will look like a warehouse, just if you don't want to buy everything all over again beacuse the baby broke it.
-Everyone will have the need to tell you how to educate/take care of your baby, as soon as he/she is born (without asking)
-Work & Babies don't match but if you have someone to help you everything goes smooth, if don't please re-think all over again before trying and ending with 30lbs more and no hair.
-You will develope new skills for everything. Which is a good thing...most of the time.
-Have in mind that multitasking is easier when you don't have a baby.
-Eating in a table is out of the question and if you do, I'm so freaking jealous!
-You will do the laundry 3x more times than you used to. (And more if you use cloth diapers)
-Au revoir shopping hauls and hello formula. Even though I breastfeed my milk production wasn't enough so I had to complement with formula, like I said expect the unexpected.
-Sudlenly you're more worried about little things in life, specially for those things that you experienced when you were younger.
-You will become more consious about how you spend the pay check. AKA Saving will become your main goal.
-At some point you will need a break, so start having some backup plans for those days. (Get a babysitter or a family member to watch the baby and plan a spa day). And don't feel bad about it!

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