Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My best advice

Since I became a mom a couple of friends have had their babies too and every time something happens with their childs they call/text me for advice, I really like to help people, I've always been the person who has an answear for everything, so I'm expected to recieve those kind of calls, but when they do it every day or at the middle of the night, I just want to kill them!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaning about the fact that they consider my short experience as a mom enough to put me first in their phone agendas (actually that's an honor) I'm complaning about the fact they expect me to resolve all of their problems with jus a text or a call.
The inspiration for this post was an extense text that I recieved recently from a really close friend with an extremelly desperation of solution of is problem.
So, I thought that before I start getting more of those ridiculous/un-necessary messages that I wanted to share with you the best advice that I can give you in the parenthood department.
No one knows what to expect when you have a baby, no matter how much you read* or learn on those 9 months of gestation, so don't expect to know everything by then. The secret is to learn by experience, which means don't be afraid to mess it up once...or twice.
People will judge you as a parent all the time but what really matters is what you and your partner thinks is best for your baby.
And last but not least: Chill the F*ck out! There's no need to freak out about everything. Sometimes what you think is bad it really doesn't; So please don't rush to the ER everytime he/she spits more than "usual" or has a weird condition your grandma/aunt/mother told you; take your time to see how everything evolves in a day and trust me if he/she has something really bad (that actually requires a trip to the ER) you will know.